Installing Nvidia CUDA Toolkit and drivers in Ubuntu 14.04 / 16.04
Setting up Nvidia CUDA toolkit along with the drivers in Ubuntu for the purpose of training your deep learning models can give you quite the headache if proper instructions are not followed during installation.
This installation guide is written with the assumption that you have a fresh copy of Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 installed in your system and has no login problems. You don’t even have to install the Nvidia drivers beforehand.
If you have already tried installing the Nvidia driver using the command similar to
sudo apt-get install nvidia-352
, then you might probably have to follow the instructions given in this link to remove it before proceeding.
Pre-install checklist
Check whether you have a CUDA capable Nvidia graphics card using
lspci | grep -i nvidia
Download the CUDA runfile from here. File may have a name similar to
.Also run
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Remove the
file usingsudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Create the file
and add the following lines to itblacklist nouveau options nouveau modeset=0
Then, do
sudo update-initramfs -u
Reboot your computer. Nothing should have changed in loading up menu. You should be taken to the login screen. Once there, press Ctrl + Alt + F1 and login to your user.
Go to the directory where you have the CUDA file and run
chmod a+x
Now, run
sudo service lightdm stop
. This step is required for installing the driver successfully.Run the CUDA driver runfile using
sudo bash --no-opengl-libs
. Notice that here it is explicitly mentioned not to install the OpenGL libraries. Otherwise this may cause login loops.During the installation,
Accept EULA conditions
Say YES to installing the NVIDIA driver
Say YES to installing CUDA Toolkit + Driver
Say YES to installing CUDA Samples
Say NO to rebuilding any Xserver configurations with Nvidia
After the installation is completed, check if device nodes are present: Check if
files exist. If they don’t, then dosudo modprobe nvidia
Set Environment path variables:
echo "export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
Verify the driver version:
cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version
Check CUDA driver version:
nvcc -V
[Optional] At this point you can switch the lightdm back on again by doing:
sudo service lightdm start
. You should be able to login to your session through the GUI without any problems or login-loops.Create CUDA Samples. Go to your NVIDIA_CUDA-8.0_Samples folder and run
.Go to
for the demos, and do the two standard checks:./deviceQuery
to see your graphics card specifications and
to check if its operating correctly. Both tests should ultimately output a ‘PASS’ in your terminal.
Reboot. It should boot normally.
Thats it. You have successfully installed the Nvidia CUDA toolkit and the necessary drivers for training your deep learning models.